KATARI 30/30 Almond Olive Oil SoapCastile Soaps adding to its original formula with olive oil, skin care properties of almond oil. Whose qualities, moisturizing, softening disinfectants and make it perfect for dry skin care and punished rough in winter. A delicate artisan technique of making Katari maximizes the active principles present in olive oil, and which are so beneficial for the skin. Its great amount (30%) of essential grease acids restore the skins natural humidity level, takes it back to its natural equilibrium and strengthens the hydro-lipid film that recovers it. The action of oleic acid reconstructs the cellular membranes of the dermis, giving the skin a firm, healthy and tonified appearance. Shipping weight: 150 g Shipping costs not included ▶ |
Almost forgotten nowadays, Castile Soap was famous as early as the Middle Ages for its cosmetic and therapeutic properties, reaching international recognition and becoming very popular in America as soon as it received its export permit, in the 16th Century. Its elaboration method based on olive oil, makes it healthy and eco-friendly, and further enhances its quality.